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Our view is that many cloud mining operations are indeed cons/scams; but companies like HashFlare and Genesis Mining are exceptions.. g Change the duration of a 1 year contract to 6 months) • Change daily fees • Potentially change your available hashpower at any point.. This leads to an interesting risk/reward dynamic, where for cloud mining you're able to make a small investment - wait until you get say 50% of it back, then invest some more.. Bitcoin mining is a very high-risk space with things like: • Hacking: Any kind of mining has to store mined coins in a wallet, and this wallet needs to distribute coins daily - so it needs to be integrated to the HashFlare website somehow, making it a big target for hackers.. Another key point is that this model of cloud mining requires no technical experience.. This guide is provided for general informational purposes only Anything Crypto is UK-based and not regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).. The catch is that running one of these has other risks like possible hardware failures, fire safety concerns, noise, etc.. As HashFlare users ourselves we're very happy they're making an effort to improve transparency - which is why we included this section.. Under this model, the miner pays a fee to the hosting company that would cover maintenance and electricity costs.. If Bitcoin's price goes up, you'll get less of it Equally if Bitcoin's price goes down and you're holding your mining rewards in it, by the time you withdraw it and convert it back to USD it might have gone down a very large amount.. The HashCoins management team is listed on, with associated LinkedIn profiles and blogs.. Transparency We shared this guide on just after posting, and a user pointed out an important risk related to transparency.. This is made more complex as rewards on HashFlare aren't given in the coin you're mining, they're given in Bitcoin.. The ideas presented are our analysis, learning & opinions on a range of cryptocurrency topics.. Here's how to calculate how considerably cost-free fertilizer you are receiving from the effluent pump wiring diagram (water.. An argument could be made that buying something like a USB Bitcoin miner is just as easy, but this does require the miner to be plugged into a computer - and some configuration.. This mining model came to existence due to the fact that the increasing difficulty of mining has made.. g Delay its start by a few weeks/months) • Change the duration of a mining contract (e.. The final part of this states that HashCoins, the company/group that owns HashFlare, reserves the right to change the launch date, contract term and/or mining term for any of their contracts.. An interesting note is that although HashFlare's terms and conditions are concerning, at least they're very transparent and available on a dedicated public.. The big drawbacks are risks associated with the procurement of expensive hardware and the very high cost of entry, both in terms of investment and technical experience.. On the other hand, it presents the miner with risk on the initial hardware investment and requires much more time and technical knowledge to implement successfully.. For new customers this was fine, they knew what they were getting - but many existing customers were very angry about this.. This approach minimises the amount of money you'd lose if HashFlare were to shut down or Bitcoin's price were to crash.. This can be done using a disclaimer (see the bottom of our website for example), or by posting this information near where you're sharing the affiliate link; although remember, we're not financial advisors! This is a topic you should do lots of research into, as it will vary a lot depending on your country.. In principle this is great, as by reinvesting you're able to get more hashpower - and keep up with potential Bitcoin difficulty increases.. Mining hardware like an Antminer S9 can both be difficult to find (as they're often out of stock) and difficult to set up/maintain.. If you wanted you could use it for mining another coin, maybe sell some of the components from it to get some cash - e.. Legal Issues with Bitcoin Affiliate Programs HashFlare offers a very good affiliate program, where you get 10% of any money referred people invest.. Although they're very high risk still, they provide a way for beginners to get involved in mining very easily - and with very small amounts.. Feb 6, 2014 - longer allowed to operate fixed wing aircraft, which is a political difficulty which can be solved simply from the civilian authority side of items.. This sounds great - but there are associated risks that you should be aware of This guide goes through these risks.. *We haven't been in direct contact with HashFlare management as of writing this or paid by them to write this.. Related Guides. They don't seem to have this on a public page, making it more difficult for a beginner to get information (although comparing their agreement to HashFlare's, theirs seems to be much better).. Remote Hosted Mining The first form of remote mining is remote hosting This model suits users with a high level mining experience and know-how and who require a high degree of control over their mining hardware.. This helps the miner handle the risks associated with maintenance of the kit as well as any risks with the shipment of the hardware.. This option provides a range of benefits: instant connection (meaning no hardware shipment wait times and delivery risks), fixed maintenance and electricity fees and no nuisances associated with mining at home such as noise, heat or space.. Many people are moving to cloud mining companies like HashFlare as an alternative to this, where you just need to pay an upfront fee and you get daily payouts in Bitcoin.. This mining model came to existence due to the fact that the increasing difficulty of mining has made it unprofitable for mining enthusiasts to mine Bitcoins at home.. This website is monetised through affiliate links Where used, we will disclose this and make no attempt to hide it.. Someone who's just discovered what Bitcoin is could invest a few dollars into HashFlare and instantly be involved in the Bitcoin mining space.. On the 21st December they also about an upcoming redesign; so although the data on their website looks very outdated, they're very aware of public perception of them - and seem to be making an effort to improve it.. The changes made in August were likely due to difficulties getting new mining hardware - where by limiting contracts to 1 year hardware would become available to be re-sold and continue generating revenue.. If done correctly this can be a great way to earn some money - we use this to monetise our website for example,! There are risks with this though.. Obviously, it’s very important that miners understand the mining process, however this model doesn’t require hardware expertise or significant configuration / implementation cost.. But Bitcoin's price could still drop If this happened, the value of the S9 would likely drop significantly - but you'd still have it.. GTA 5 - Mystery Jail Screenshot Answered! IGN Guy Tells What It Is (GTA V Next Gen)The Best Way to MAKE MONEY WITH BITCOIN in 2017!beste money and exp with mining P2P anonymous u got 2 knowTrezor?? Missing BTC?? BCH come out please!!Hashflare Bitcoin Mining| Best Hashflare Reinvest StrategyHow to invest Dow jones, NASDAQ, S&P 500 with etradeValencia College - I Will Learn for Less (Cost) webIs Bitcoin Cloud Mining Profitable? - Genesis Mining - Hashflare - Antminer S9 ComparisonBitcoin says China who? Bgold makes a splash, Litecoin Lites, South Korea, IndiaStocks To Trade| December 18, 2017Was ist Tether USDT? Welche Rolle spielt Bitfinex?Mass Effect: Andromeda quick-guide Naming the Dead Task all colonist body locations.. Don't Reinvest Everything On HashFlare you have the option to reinvest mined coins either automatically or manually.. If you don't do these 3 things and a referred user loses lots of money, they might be within their rights to take legal action against you.. For example from their website to their CTO's blog - it's seems to be in Russian though, any Russian speakers can take a look at this and see if it's legitimate.. If you wanted to make a larger investment though, spending $5000 on a HashFlare contract is very risky.. Alternatively you could just withdraw 50% of everything you mine, and reinvest the other 50%.. Risk/Reward vs an Antminer S9 The entry-level cost for Bitcoin cloud mining is generally lower than buying something like an Antminer S9 (a popular ); on HashFlare the lowest available Bitcoin contract is for $1.. • Price Volatility: Many payments made to HashFlare are in Bitcoin, so if Bitcoin's price was to crash suddenly they may find themselves struggling to pay out customers for a period of time, and may need to raise fees to account for this.. Changes to Active Mining Contracts When you buy mining hashpower on HashFlare, you have to tick a box saying you agree to their.. DISCLAIMER: This site cannot substitute for professional investment or financial advice, or independent factual verification.. If they were to shut down the next day you'd have lost all your money If you'd instead bought an Antminer S9, for starters you'd have full control over it - so the above scenario couldn't happen.. If you think we've missed something important, get in touch! We remain hopeful for cloud mining long-term.. g You'd have this physical hardware as a fallback, you wouldn't be left with nothing.. It can therefore be summarised that the benefits of remote hosted mining are tight control over the mining process, maintenance support and subsequent ownership of the hardware.. This means that the cost of entry and subsequent risk is far lower than in comparison with the remotely hosted model.. If after reading this you still want to buy a contract (we encourage you to do your own research too, there's a very real risk that you might not get your money back with cloud mining), use our! Introduction Cloud mining has a lot of stigma around it, where many long-time Bitcoin enthusiasts see it as a way for wealthy Bitcoin miners to con beginners into giving them money.. We don't endorse any affiliate services we use - and will not be liable for any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer from using any of these.. THE BEST 1 MILLION COIN FUT CHAMPS SQUAD ON FIFA 18!!!NAMECOIN, The Second Son Of Satoshi? Namecoin Giveaway! Altcoin Request Video #6My Ichimoku Cloud Settings For CryptoCurrencyFilecoin ICO set to launchStarCitizen News: Quantum Questions, Xi'An Nox Tease et BugSmasher Tourelle Connie Andromeda (QC FR)Masternode Coin Investing Dumping Bitcoin CashFaction Farming EDZ Super Fast - Super EASY!Prince 'Plectrum Electrum' Guitar SoloWhat is Bitcoin - Bitcoin Mining - How bitcoin works - Explained - In HindiHow to Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin with NO FEES!Cryptocurrency Expanse on Ledger S NanoBitcoin just had a Breakout! Bull Flag Alert.. Although this guide focusses on HashFlare, many of these risks apply to any form of cloud mining.. 50 If you wanted to buy an Antminer S9 in December 2017 you'd be looking at between $1,500-$5,500.. Genesis Mining for example seems to only display their 'Mining Capacity Share Agreement' when buying a new contract or looking at an existing one when logged in.. See for potential profitability of HashFlare contracts Alternatively, an independent developer linked us to a they made allowing reinvestment schemes in HashFlare to be forecasted (we're not associated with this developer, so use at your own risk - but it looks to have some great features).. Despite the simplicity of the cloud mining model, it is worth elaborating on a few details, specifically it’s important to highlight that remote mining comes in two forms: hosted or cloud based mining.. Cloud Mining The second, and more accessible model of remote mining is Cloud Mining, whereby a miner purchases a part of the mining power of hardware hosted and owned by a Cloud Mining services provider.. On the 20th December, one of HashCoins management team had an where they talked about things like how they get their mining hardware and the recent issues they've had with withdrawals.. Contract Profitability Depends on Coin Price This can be a difficult concept for beginners to understand.. Since customers can purchase any amount of mining power they wish, this means that the level of investment will depend only on the miners’ ambition.. This came to light in August 2017 when HashFlare changed many active open-ended Bitcoin contracts to just 1 year.. Profit Calculator by /u/bfintal So here is my own theory- It's all a PR ploy to damage hashflare, because these users are working with another cloud mining company in hopes to damage hashflares market standing in hopes to gain.. When referring someone to a website, you need to make 3 things very clear; that you're getting paid for the referral, that you're not a financial advisor and that there's no guarantee a user will earn money from this service/website.. In principle, this is very bad But in practice we think it's very much required.. Don't rush into anything, do your own research As we write new content, we will update this disclaimer to encompass it.. HashFlare is happy to be offering its new cloud mining services range We guarantee an instant connection, around-the-clock access and monitoring, an easy-to-use management interface, 24/7 uptime as well as daily payouts.. The service provider takes on configuring the hardware, maintaining uptime and selecting the most efficient and reliable pools.. In practice though, every time you reinvest you only get that hashpower for 1 year - so if you kept doing this every day for a year, your hashpower would start to expire!A better approach might be to reinvest heavily for a few weeks, and then to start withdrawing money until you get back what you originally invested in USD.. In the above interview they even suggested they might be making a movie about their mining operation!See their for pictures from their data centers.. Under this model, the mining hardware is hosted in a remote datacentre and the user assumes full control over the setup and configuration of the mining hardware.. We've made a to make it a bit easier The main concept is that when you buy a mining contract, it's for a specific algorithm.. The group of individuals writing these guides are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, not financial advisors.. This means that if they wanted, because you agreed to these terms & conditions, they would be able to: • Change the start date of a contract (e.. They even welcomed users to contact them and organise a visit to their office See we've posted based on the above interview.. Given the popularity of smart phones, where in many developing countries people don't own computers, we don't think the logistics of this are as convenient as cloud mining.. I bought a cloud mining contract and have been mining for 6 months The difficulty has.. If you owned a miner yourself, you could mine any coin that uses this algorithm On HashFlare, their system determines this for you - we assume mining the most profitable coin.. Equally it could also go up - but it's good to be aware of the skeptical view! Summary In this guide we've tried to address all of the concerns we've seen around HashFlare, focusing on their terms & conditions in particular due to controversy around it back in August 2017.. The above said, cloud mining is high risk The aim of this guide is to explain these risks, so if you do get involved in cloud mining you know what the worst-case scenario could be.. Hashflare's cloud mining contracts This calculator shows that I Cloud Mining Calculator Cloud Mining calculator estimates the profitability of cloud mining contracts for services like Genesis Mining and HashFlare, taking into.. Cloud mining is greatly suited for novice miners who would like to try out mining and earning cryptocurrency as well as seasoned miners who don’t want the hassle or risks of hosted or home-based mining.. In general, we as customers rely on HashFlare's management to apply their terms & conditions ethically, although they also have financial motivations where if they were to say cancel all existing contracts, they'd likely lose many customers and future revenue.. A GitHub user named JoshuaGoode put together a page with lots of great research into HashCoin/HashFlare's business practices, management & transparency; see that.. Trading or mining any form of cryptocurrency is very high risk, so never invest money you can't afford to lose - you should be prepared to sustain a total loss of all invested money.. Just be careful not to reinvest everything, or if HashFlare were to shut down/Bitcoin's difficulty increased too sharply - you might end up losing most of your money.. So the amount of USD you'll get from this depends on the exchange rate between the coin you're mining and Bitcoin day-to-day.. Up until now I am and always have been a minimal, yet happy investor • Dec 15th, 2017 (Updated Jan 27th, 2018) • Bitcoin mining has become very popular in late 2017.. Most people tick this without a second thought, but section 5 of this, what they title 'CONTRACT TERM AND MINING TERM', raises concerns.. HashFlare is happy to be Cloud mining is greatly What is Cloud Mining? Cloud (or remote) mining – is the process of using hardware power to mine cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin or Litecoin) remotely.. Cloud mining gives people a unique opportunity to begin mining cryptocurrency without the need for a large initial investment in hardware or technical knowledge.